Shout out to Snappy Tomato (Hardin Valley location) for treating the RHS staff to pizza today. It was delicious. Thank you!!
over 2 years ago, Leanne Malicoat
Use this link for information about the RHS Fishing Team:
over 2 years ago, Paul Kamikawa
RHS Logo
Congratulations to Lauren Thompson and to her RHS Medical Assistant teacher, Mrs. Carver. Lauren passed the National Medical Assisting test and is now CCMA certified! RHS is so proud of Lauren and of our CTE program that helped her reach this goal.
over 2 years ago, Leanne Malicoat
Lauren Thompson and Mrs. Carver
Today's golf match at Loudon has been canceled due to weather.
over 2 years ago, Paul Kamikawa
Breaking News
Immediate Opening Available HVAC/Construction Teacher at Rockwood High Apply Here:
over 2 years ago, Emily Palmer
green background with we are hiring HVAC teacher
Golf Scores: Rockwood Boys 204 Harriman Boys 223. Rockwood Girls with the victory over Harriman.
over 2 years ago, Paul Kamikawa
Score Update
Roane County Anti-Drug Coalition has created an interactive bulletin board at RHS promoting smart choices. Thank you Nathan, Ashley, and Jeanna for your hard work to help our students. #pursuingexcellence
over 2 years ago, Leanne Malicoat
Parents of RHS students, Please follow the link below to apply for Free and Reduced Lunch. There are no paper applications. Please apply online.
over 2 years ago, Leanne Malicoat
cafeteria food
Aaron Summerall created this beautiful and delicious cake to treat RHS teachers on the first half day of school. Thank you, Aaron!
over 2 years ago, Leanne Malicoat
Aaron and cake
Rockstar teachers Mitzi Jones and Rachel Hill dedicated time and talent this summer to painting this striking design on a long hallway at RHS. Our teachers are the BEST!!
over 2 years ago, Leanne Malicoat
mitzi and rachel
Final Forms: A form has been added this week-Chromebook Agreement. If you have completed Final Forms previously, please log onto Final Forms and complete this one form. If you have not completed Final Forms, please log on and complete all forms. This is required.
over 2 years ago, Paul Kamikawa
RHS Logo
Student insurance is available for purchase. Forms can be found in the document tab.
over 2 years ago, Paul Kamikawa
RHS Logo
School Hours Wednesday: 8:15-11:45 (1/2 Day). Friday: 8:15-3:15 (full Day). Remember that you will need to pay for breakfast & lunch unless you qualify for free or reduced meals. THIS IS A CHANGE FROM THE LAST TWO YEARS.
over 2 years ago, Paul Kamikawa
School Hours
The link for applying to receive free or reduced meals is now active. Please visit and click on the provided link.
over 2 years ago, Emily Palmer
The link for applying to receive free or reduced meals is now active. Please visit and click on the provided link.
Students should be able to see their schedules on student vue. Schedule change requests will begin on Monday, August 8th. Students will be informed of the procedure to follow to request changes once school begins.
over 2 years ago, Denira Williams
Schedule Changes
RHS golfer Riley Melton makes the first drive of 2022 RHS Golf Season. Go Tigers!!
over 2 years ago, Leanne Malicoat
RHS Golf
If you are the parent of a 10th - 12th grade student that is new to RHS, please complete online registration before the first day of school (Wednesday). Thank you!!
over 2 years ago, Leanne Malicoat
RHS students may come by RHS office to pick up their Chromebook Tuesday August 2 8am-11:30am at RHS. The recommended insurance cost is $20. Contracts and forms must be signed by a parent. Paperwork will be available at the school, or can be found on RCS website.
over 2 years ago, Leanne Malicoat
Chromebook image
RHS Golf: Meigs County at home today. 4:00 P.M. Good luck today & this season.
over 2 years ago, Paul Kamikawa
RHS Logo
Softball Tryouts: Tuesday, August 2. 4:00-6:00. Brickyard Springs. If there is inclement weather, tryouts will be held in the gym. Bring appropriate shoes for both locations.
over 2 years ago, Paul Kamikawa
Softball Logo